Welcome! My name is Joost Thissen and I am an Interculturalist. Here I share intercultural insights for those of us who work in culturally diverse and global workplaces.
Welcome! My name is Joost Thissen and I am an Interculturalist. Here I share intercultural insights for those of us who work in culturally diverse and global workplaces.
CULTURAL COLUMN – Managers of culturally diverse teams need intercultural leadership skills to understand the differences in expectations from egalitarian and hierarchical cultures and the impact on preferred management style.
CULTURAL COLUMN – We need to identify the skills and competencies that make the difference between a translator and a culturally competent translator.
CULTURAL COLUMN – The bamboo or cultural ceiling are seen as the barriers that keep those of Asian and other cultural background away from the highest levels of leadership in business and the law. A higher than average turn over of culturally diverse staff seems to be the high price to pay.
CULTURAL COLUMN – We have invested valuable time and money implementing management concepts across cultures without taking culture into account. We might also not realise that we actually undermine the effectiveness of our organisations.
CULTURAL COLUMN – People rarely realise that culture impacts preferred action and time systems and this guides perceived efficient behaviour across cultures.
CULTURAL COLUMN – Organisations and outsourcers who understand cultural differences and the impact on the work relationships by developing cultural competence of their staff are reaping the benefits.
CULTURAL COLUMN – Cultural awareness is the first step in understanding how culture impacts behaviour, while cultural competence is required to close the culture gaps between culturally diverse people.